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Anderson Trojans Girls' Soccer

Anderson Trojans Girls' Soccer

A note from our coaches

We've found clear communication to be one of the most important factors in giving players the best opportunity to succeed on a team. When coaching high school level soccer, taking the time to communicate our philosophy and expectations to the parents gives everyone the chance to be on the same page.

To begin with, we want to thank our Booster Club for working on everything off the field so that we can focus primarily on coaching.   We have a talented group of trainers, Coach Busby and Coach Ngo that are here to provide your player with advice on how to prevent injuries and treat injuries suffered during practices or games.  Players can visit the trainers before school, during lunch, or after school. There is no need to make an appointment. 

In addition to school, we know that many of your daughters are involved in other activities than soccer. However, because soccer is a one block class, it is important that the players attend all training sessions, there is a lot to do in our limited time together. Our plan is to run dynamic sessions designed to teach as much as possible in a very short period. Consequently, regular attendance at each session will be crucial to your daughter's ability to keep up with the pace.

The main focus will be on technical ability under pressure, the speed of play (individual and team) and team development. We will also push the girls to get out of their training and playing comfort zones so they can grow as athletes and as young women.  We understand that some of your daughters play different positions on their club team and we'd like to thank you for supporting their skill development in new positions to become more well-rounded players. 

This year, we have a tough division and both teams will have young players, with only 8 juniors and seniors.  As we move forward, I very much appreciate your support of the team. One of the best ways you can create a growing environment for your daughter and each of her teammates would be to focus on three simple things:

  1. Please do not coach or give direction from the sidelines (ie. yelling "shoot", "pass", "get wide", "dribble", etc.). This will only serve to slow down the development of each player's decision-making process, distract them from the task at hand. Please do take and share your photos with us! 

  2. Be positive in all communications from the sidelines as you cheer for the team. This includes comments to or about the referee, players, coaches, and other parents or fans. To give our ladies the best chance at growing as players and people this season, it would be wonderful if this type of communication could extend to the car ride and at home as well.

  3. To help build a team environment, we will schedule team dinners throughout the season, this is a great opportunity for the girls to bond outside of the field.  Also, all players ride the bus to and from games together.  JV and Varsity ride separate buses to the game and the same bus back to school.  Buses arrive back at the school about 9:45 p.m. We want both teams to support each other during the game! We also would love parents to support both teams when possible.

We would like to personally thank each of you for entrusting us with your daughter's soccer development this season, please know that we very much appreciate the opportunity.

We look forward to a great year!

Coaches Horvath, McMahon, and Stark


Anderson Trojans Girls' Soccer
Anderson High School Girls' Soccer Booster Club, 8403 Mesa Dr
Austin, Texas 78759

Email: [email protected]

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